Sunday 2 March 2008

My Hero

I know we have all heard stories of Internet romance, and I a skeptic for so long, now must call myself a hypocrite! Why do you ask? Let me explain…

As a single mom of four daughters, I don’t get out too often as you can imagine, so one evening I was online and decided to try chatting. There are so many creeps out there so I was a bit nervous. I happened to find a man who seemed pretty nice, but still I was very skeptical. Right away we seemed to hit it off. We had much in common. He had four children as well. It was, or seemed to be amazing.

Over the next few weeks we became very close. You know, the kind of closeness where you can answer the others thoughts, and understand completely what the other is saying even when they cant find the right words. It was uncanny the way we were able to know. Many times we had written the same idea at the same time, and could only laugh. He was even able to know the perfume I wore without me saying a word about it to him, and it is not a usual fragrance either! Well, needless to say, things started to grow rather quickly. But there was one problem. He lived on the other side of the world.

To have the closeness we shared over the computer was I guess you could say was odd! To feel this in person is very hard, but to have this closeness with someone you have never met is almost unreal. The problem we encountered was how would we meet? Well in mid summer, it happened. E flew from Europe to visit me on the US West Coast. I was so extremely nervous, yet excited at the same time, you all know what I mean. As he walked off the plane my heart raced, and has not stopped yet! We greeted each other with a nervous hug. After only a few minutes, I was at ease. You know how sometimes it takes a little effort to be with someone, well not this guy! He was so easy to be with and it felt so natural.

Well his visit seemed to fly by that month seemed like days. We took a trip to the coast, just the two of us. We had such a wonderful time. He turned out to be the man every woman dreams about. He was tender, loving, affectionate, and was so amazing with my girls. They grew to love him as much as I did. So, needless to say, the day he left was extremely hard on us all. There were many tears shed, and many broken hearts. When he left, he took my heart with him. The thought of not knowing if I’d ever see him again terrified me.

Well, one thing that is sure is that I had the opportunity to experience what most people spend their whole life searching for. In this man, I found not only romance and love, but also a best friend. I don’t know what the future holds, or if there is any future, but one thing is for sure. I have a true friend! Someone I know I can tell anything anytime and never be judged. Whether I am happy, sad or mad, whatever, he is so supportive of me, even my crazy ideas and dreams. He has given me a self-confidence I have never felt before. No matter what the future does or does not hold, I will never regret opening my heart up to this man. He taught me so much about myself, and brought so much joy to my girls and me. And to him, I will forever be grateful.

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